How To Use Trekking Poles

How To Use Trekking Poles

Planning a hiking adventure in the great outdoors and not sure if trekking poles will come in handy? Not sure how to best use them? We’ve collated a step by step guide, walking you through the basics of using trekking poles. From knowing the benefits of using trekking poles to explaining how best to use them on your trip, explore our top tips to learn how to use trekking poles.

Do I need trekking poles?

There are numerous advantages to using trekking poles, so much more than keeping you steady as you hike along the mountains.

  • Help on the hills: Struggle with the pressure on your knees whilst you cautiously take on steep declines? Walking with trekking sticks gives your knees the protection they need. They assist you on the incline as well by giving you that extra oomph of power.
  • Improve your posture: When you go walking with trekking sticks, you’ll find yourself walking in a much more upright position, which is far better for your posture than slumping.
  • Strengthen your body: Taking some of the weight off you and putting it onto your trekking poles means you strengthen your muscles and significantly reduce the strain on your spine.

How to use trekking poles

Now you’re clued up on the benefits of using trekking poles, how do you actually hike with them? Well, there aren’t rigid rules for the correct technique, but we do have some helpful tips if you’re not sure where to start.

  1. Put your hand through the trekking pole straps – very handy for that extra degree of comfort and security when holding the poles.
  2. Grasp the handle comfortably and secure the straps so they aren’t too tight or too loose.
  3. Use the unlocking mechanism in the middle of your trekking pole to shorten them depending on your height and the incline.

What are the best techniques for using trekking poles?

When using trekking poles, try the tips below to get the most out of them:

  • Try to keep your arms slightly, not fully, bent at the elbow – outstretched arms could result in elbow pains.
  • Don’t grip the handle too tightly – this will quickly become tiring and uncomfortable.
  • Practice on the stairs – if you’re still unsure, practice makes perfect.

Up and down the hills

On the incline, don’t be afraid to shorten your trekking poles to make life easier. Avoid pulling yourself up, it’s about pushing yourself off with the help of your sticks. As you place your poles in front of you, find a comfortable distance each time, this will avoid over-exertion and keep your use efficient. As you descend, place the poles just in front of you and shorten your stride because it’s unsafe to rush when going downhill.

Rest assured, no more worrying about trips or falls during challenging hikes. Put your trust in your trekking poles instead. When you face the great outdoors, you’ll be an expert in knowing how to use lightweight trekking poles.


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