Winter Walking Tips From Craghoppers


There’s nothing more Wintry than stepping outside on a cool, crisp morning for a Sunday walk.

Upon glancing out of the window at the frost glistening on the grass, the idea of leaving the warm embrace of home to brave the elements can feel like an unwelcome task.

That being said, knowing you have the right kit to keep you cosy can bring the wave of relief you need to muster up the courage to step into the cold.

Having the right equipment can prove key to a successful Winter walk. If you’re intending on walking whilst the ground is icy or snowed over, your winter boots ideally must be stiff enough to kick solid steps into snow.

One primary factor to also take into consideration is the lack of light in Winter months. To avoid getting lost, it is useful to thoroughly plan your route with a map, and bring a compass and a torch with you in case your smartphone loses power. This will provide you with the reassurance that if you do go off course as it gets darker, you will have your map to re-route and get back on the right path.

If you are worried about keeping yourself warm, be sure to layer up. It is always a good idea to wear thick walking socks, as your toes are one of the first places you will probably feel cold. Other useful layers include a light fleece or a soft shell jacket; winter lined walking trousers, a waterproof shell jacket, and an insulated lightweight jacket to prepare for all eventualities.

For the option of smaller layers which are easier to carry and interchange, you may want to go for a traditional hat, gloves and scarf combination. This way, if you get too warm whilst walking, you can remove parts of your outfit without having to stop and completely change.


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