Craghoppers Ambassador


Marine Biologist

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From a young age Sofia’s life was intertwined with the Galapagos Islands which instilled her love for the ocean, adventure and wildlife.

Growing up and noticing the impact humans were having on the planet, she felt driven to work for the conservation of this Earth and protection of its amazing flora and fauna.

She is currently working in discovering the secrets of the ocean giants, the whale sharks, with the Galapagos Whale Shark Project and the Galapagos Conservation Trust. Whale sharks serve as ocean ambassadors and as Sofía states, “by protecting the whale sharks and the ocean areas it uses most, we protect many other endangered species under its large fins.”

Besides her work with whale sharks, Sofía is involved in leading volunteer environmental education programmes in the Galapagos and runs coastal clean-ups and similar activities in conjunction with the Sustainable Ocean Alliance and “Mingas por el Mar” (Community work for our Oceans). She also uses wildlife photography to share, through images, the beauty of this world, alongside impacting stories.

“People can only protect what they know and love”.

underwater diver and whale