English Heritage : Looking After Our Sites During Lockdown

Words by Victoria Cunningham, Properties Manager, Hadrian’s Wall

Working throughout the lockdown period has been both challenging and rewarding for me. As a
Property Manager, I look after 7 sites along Hadrian’s Wall; 3 Roman Forts, 1 Roman Town, 2 Castles
and 1 Augustinian Priory! Although these sites may have been closed to the public during lockdown,
it’s still been really important to continue to carry out checks at them for both security and
conservation reasons.

Usually during the late spring and early summer months, these sites are a hustle and bustle of
activity, welcoming visitors from all over the world. It really brings them to life and you can imagine
what it would have been like for the people who lived there when they were originally occupied. It’s
a wonderful feeling to see so many people enjoying these special places where history was made.

Having said that, it has also been an absolute joy to explore them during lockdown and enjoy the
tranquil beauty of them. An early morning walk up the hill to Housesteads Roman Fort is a great way
to start the day. Once on the fort you really feel like you are on the edge of an empire, looking out
over the landscape for miles around. I’d then head onto Chesters Roman Fort, once a cavalry Fort
home to 500 soldiers. Chesters has a wonderful bath house down by the North Tyne River – you can
still see the individual arches of the ‘lockers’ – they are beautifully intact despite being nearly 2000
years old.

Over in Cumbria, Birdoswald Roman Fort has some of the best intact external walls on Hadrian’s
Wall – they’re still above head height in a lot of places. The views from the edge of the Fort, down
over the River Irthing are breath taking – you can look down on the birds and wildlife below. Aydon
Castle meanwhile is a hidden gem tucked away down a country lane. Once home to Border Revivers
(some of the stories would give Game of Thrones a run for their money!), it is part Castle and part
Manor House, and fantastic to wander through all the different rooms.

Getting to explore our sites in detail again has been a pleasure and I’ve enjoyed been able to use this
time to ensure that our Heritage is kept safe and secure. We are now able to re-open and welcome
visitors back to site- I’m so excited to welcome our visitors and members back and hope they will enjoy exploring and rediscovering our sites as much as I have!


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