Happy International Women’s Day

We at Craghoppers would like to wish everyone a Happy International Women’s Day! An important date that should be on everyone’s calendar, we’d like to take this time to explain what makes this day so special and provide a spotlight on our talented ambassadors and the fantastic work they do!

What is International Women’s Day?

Marked annually on the 8th of March, International Women’s Day is a global opportunity to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. There are various activities take place around the world to highlight social inequality for women and to celebrate their successes. The first gathering took place in 1911 and has grown ever since. You can view the history of International Women’s Day here.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias as conscious and unconscious bias continues to hold women back. The colours that represent International Women’s Day are purple, green and white and you can show your support by wearing these colours on March 8th each year.

To celebrate this day, we would like to shine a spotlight on two brilliant women that continue to break down barriers and provide great work across the world.

Emma Obayuvana

Emma Obayuvana is a movement and fitness coach from London, we met Emma at the Strong Women trek back in September and fell in love with her passion for empowering women to get outdoors, connect with nature and more importantly enjoy getting fit and feeling strong. Her classes and fitness style is inclusive and accessible. She loves hiking and travelling and tries to combine the both when she can. You can take a look at Emma’s Instagram @emmaoba_

Holly Kipling

Holly Kipling is an outdoor instructor, climbing enthusiast and Craghoppers fan. Her love for the outdoors stems from growing up in Cornwall being surrounded by the incredible and varied countryside. One of Holly’s passions is long distance hiking and has undertaken some incredible feats of endurance. She also feels passionate about inspiring other women to access the outdoors, training and educating them to enjoy the outdoors safely. You can take a look at Holly’s Instagram page @theedgeofeternity or have a look at our spotlight video for our SS22 shoot!


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