How To Protect Yourself From Insects Abroad

How To Protect Yourself From Insects Abroad

The last thing you want to happen whilst you’re abroad is to be attacked by pesky bugs and insects. Once you’re bitten, you’ll soon find yourself scratching those red blotches and feeling highly uncomfortable and frustrated. It’s bound to put a dampener on your holiday. So, if you’re wondering how to protect yourself from biting insects, use our go-to guide below. We’ll reveal everything we know on how to stop mosquito bites, and recommend some of the best clothing to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Invest in mosquito nets

Mosquito nets are ideal for staying protected because as well as keeping mosquitos away from your personal space, they’re usually treated with insecticides to prevent any further attempts. There are a variety of different types of mosquito nets you can choose from, depending on where you use them, including wedge, ridge, box and bell designs. Wedge mosquito nets are the most popular because they’re extremely easy to setup, compact and work well for travelling lightweight. Just make sure that you choose one that has been treated with insecticides for that additional layer of protection.

Wear insect protective clothing

The more skin you keep covered up, the more protected you are from getting bitten. We’d recommend wearing NosiLife insect protective clothing, proven to reduce bites by up to 90%. With built-in and tested technology, NosiLife clothing creates a barrier between you and those irritating insects. It has protective treatment inside the fabric designed to keep you safe from the bugs.

Pack your insect protective spray

Wearing insect protective clothing is one of the best ways to keep yourself protected. But remember, you still need to protect your hands, face, and anywhere else that’s not covered up. Otherwise, you’re still vulnerable to mozzies.

Top tip: It’s easy to forget when you’re travelling, but don’t forget to spray yourself before heading out for the evening and even at bed time. Biting insects often catch you when you’re least expecting it. In fact, peak mosquito activity tends to be dusk and dawn.

Spray exposed skin with an insect protective spray. Before spraying, double check your spray is safe to use near your face. Similar to mosquito nets and NosiLife clothing, sprays contain chemicals that the insects aren’t fans of. Worried about using nasty chemicals on your skin? Check out our advice on.

Avoid brightly coloured clothing

Insects are much more attracted to bright colours and patterns than they are darker tones. So, if you’re prone to getting bitten by the bugs, we’d suggest leaving your vibrant tops out of your rucksack this time. Opt for calmer and neutral clothes for your next trip.

Steer clear of foliage

As pleasant as it may be to take in the local blooms after a day of exploration, it’s one of the worst things you can do when it comes to insect protection. From gnats and mosquitoes to wasps and bees, all sorts of flying bugs love anything bright and fragrant.

So, we’d recommend not hanging around blossoming plants for too long, if you can help it.

That’s how to deter mosquitoes

Waking up and realising you’re covered in itchy bites isn’t pleasant at all. But by following these top tips on how to stop mosquito bites, you’ll only be itching to go, rather than itching while you’re there!

Don’t forget to pack your insect protective clothing in your case. You can browse the full selection of NosiLife protective clothing online.


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