
Plastic Free July 2023

Plastic Free July has finally arrived, a time of year where we reflect on how plastic impacts the environment, species and humans themselves. In this blog you’ll learn more about Plastic Free July and what you can do to reduce your plastic use.

What Is Plastic Free July?

Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages individuals, communities, and businesses to take action and reduce their plastic consumption for an entire month. It’s an initiative that raises awareness about the harmful impact of plastic on our environment and motivates us to find alternative, eco-friendly solutions.

Why Should We Care About Plastic Pollution?

Plastic pollution has become a pressing issue worldwide. From single-use plastic bags to disposable water bottles, our dependence on plastic has wreaked havoc on our oceans, wildlife, and even our own health. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and as it breaks down into microplastics, it enters our food chain, posing a serious threat to marine life and ultimately to us humans.

Craghoppers Top Tips For Plastic Reduction

We all share a world, and the responsibility for protecting it, for ourselves and for future generations. Which is why, as a brand, we strive to do what we can to be more sustainable throughout our processes.

With that in mind, here are five top tips to help you be as sustainable as possible in Plastic Free July:

Reuse! Reuse! Reuse!

Single-use plastics make up for a huge amount of plastic waste, so make sure to invest in reusable cups, bottles, shopping bags, and straws.

Ditch the cling film

Keeping your leftovers to reduce food waste is great! Wrapping it in cling film… not so much. Try using containers or beeswax wrap instead – once you’re done, you simply wash them and go again.


Buying into higher quality products oftentimes means your products will last longer! Which eliminates re-buying, saving on plastic use and saving you money. Some brands (like Craghoppers) even offer a guarantee for life on their products.

Disposing properly

It’s not always possible to be completely plastic-free, some packaging uses a mixture of plastic and other materials (sandwich packaging for example). Don’t forget to check which parts of your product are recyclable and dispose of them properly to avoid landfill.


Refills are becoming more and more accessible for shoppers who want to reduce their plastic consumption. There are now entire shops popping up dedicated to the idea! Many brands also make refillable packing too, which means your next purchase will save you a bit of money – don’t forget to check to see if your packaging is refillable.

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