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Looking after your favourite footwear

So you have spent a lot of time picking out your perfect walking boots/shoes, it’s an investment and you want to make sure they last a long time. Or you have a favorite pair that you are always out in all weathers and terrains, and they are looking like they need a pick me up. Then you need to know the best way to care for them like they care for your feet.

Here are a few handy tips to help keep your boots/shoes lasting for a long time.

  • To clean your boots/shoes use warm soapy water, a cloth or a soft brush to get rid of any dirt or mud left on the outer. Don’t leave it too long before cleaning any mud off as depending what is in the mud, the material could get damaged.

  • Once you have given them a good clean and all the mud is off, then let them dry naturally. This could be outside or in a well ventilated room. Do not use any kind of heat source to dry them as this could damage the material. If you have got the inside of them wet from cleaning them, then put some newspaper inside to help dry up any moisture.

  • Once they are dry, use one of our reproofing treatments on the outer to replace any water repellency they may have lost due to wear and tear or through cleaning them. Leave them for a couple of hours and they should be ready for your next trip.

  • Make sure you don’t have any stones that may have ended inside from previous walks. Always give them a good tap before putting them on to make sure. This will not only stop your feet from hurting, it will also protect the inside from any damage.


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