
Introducing Adventurer Deon Barrett and the True North Project

Deon made just one New Year’s Resolution for 2022: to inspire the next generation. Deon hoped that by openly sharing his own experiences of racism and bullying and how tasking himself to find his ‘happy place’ through challenging outdoor pursuits, that today’s youth could also be motivated to challenge themselves to a brighter future.

And so, the True North Project was born. Through the Project, Deon challenges young people to ‘find your true North’, by learning key skills such as teamwork, discipline and to find and embrace a community in the outdoors, where they feel like they belong and can positively contribute.


Deon is constantly in search of his ‘True North’ too. He is currently on his way to becoming one of the first black people to summit Mount Everest in 2025, marking the first step on a long journey filled with triumphant expeditions; as Deon challenges himself to navigate to the North Pole in the same year. Leading by example, training for Deon has already begun at Everest Basecamp and looking to summit Lobuche East in November 2023.

Deon is constantly in search of his ‘True North’ too. He is currently on his way to becoming one of the first black people to summit Mount Everest in 2025, marking the first step on a long journey filled with triumphant expeditions; as Deon challenges himself to navigate to the North Pole in the same year. Leading by example, training for Deon has already begun at Everest Basecamp and looking to summit Lobuche East in November 2023.

"It came to my attention that schools rarely have the support or the backing to implement this within their curriculum," Deon explains, “Unfortunately, the schools currently arrange these efforts independently, with extremely limited assistance from outside resources. This leaves it up to the teachers to arrange days out in their own time. There is also not enough time spent training staff through the schools in becoming outdoor leaders themselves.”

Along the way, Deon has started working with Craghoppers. It was key for Deon to align with a brand who could not only provide first-rate adventure-ready kit, but also whose ethos was like his own.

Below, Deon tells us why he wanted to work with Craghoppers and runs through the kit he chose to take with him to the top of Everest and through to the North Pole:

“I’m grateful to be able to fly the Craghoppers flag during my first time in Nepal. I have worn and love the kit for many years now. The fantastic support has enabled this expedition to go ahead and is a big win to staying on target for 2025.

Understandably for a trip like this having the right kit is paramount to ensure a successful expedition. I have chosen only the best, essential kit from Craghoppers to support me throughout.

So, what is in my bag?

The Nogales GoreTex trousers and the Dynamic Pro jacket, these impressive, effective items will be worn almost throughout, due to their durability and comfort. Already tested in the harsh wet weather of the British, Welsh and Scottish Highlands. I am confident that these crucial bits of kit will protect me from all the elements, especially on the trek itself. It is also important that I take care of my main means of travel – my feet!

So, for my feet, I'll be using the Glencoe socks for comfort and the Adflex boots are perfect for long treks and rugged terrain. They will be worn as soon as I land in Kathmandu.

The Otho gloves, Bishorn jacket and cap will also be utilised throughout, even more so as we land at Lukla and begin to reach altitudes of 2000+ metres above sea level.”

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